... After finishing the text, I found myself missing a list of the names that had been quoted, an absence which, probably due to professional deformation, led me to visualise a very simple exercise. It consisted of going through the names on the list one by one, underlining those I was familiar with. If, after counting them, the number was close to the total number of names on the list (I counted about four hundred), I should congratulate myself for having in my hands a book that was written for me. If, on the other hand, the number is far from the total, I should also congratulate myself, basically for the same reason,
for having found a book tailored to my needs. We should all feel in luck, as we have stumbled upon a rarity that both challenges and empowers us to stand up to the pseudo-truths that have been lurking since mankind's first steps and that will haunt us to the grave. It is an initiative that no one has asked me to take, but which I dare to suggest, as I strongly feel that by revealing our weaknesses, this book can nourish us from the outset, thus opening an alternative window of entry for those who do not usually visit the vicinity of alternative forms of expression, far away from conventionalisms.
Abraham 59
Adam 56, 59, 75
Adorno, Theodor 40, 76, 88
Augustine of Hippo, Saint 119
Alende, Oscar 207, 208
Alicanto 27
Allen, Woody 123
Alpert, Herb 69
Andrews, Julie 209
Apollinaris of Laodicea 100
Apollo 76
Apollonius of Rhodes 49, 53
Aronofsky, Darren 204
Archimedes of Syracuse 40
Ashtekar, Abhay 191
Audhumla 59
Bakunin, Mikhail 123, 178
Barenboim, Daniel 138, 139
Baroja, Pío 219
Basile, Giambattista 123
Vasili, Prínce 155
Batty, Roy 172
Baudelaire, Charles 121
Beethoven, Ludwig van 209
Benedict XVI / Joseph Ratzinger 151
Benjamin, Walter 107, 119
Bentham, Jeremy 35
Benzécri, Jean-Paul 85
Bernoulli, Jacques de 85
Bernstein, Eduard 177
Bin Laden, Osama 185
Black, Greene V. 29
Bogart, Humphrey 175
Bonaparte, Napoleon 201
Borges, Jorge Luis 47, 210
Bostrom, Nick 164
Bradbury, Ray 99
Brahms, Johannes 39
Brooks, Richard 25
Brunet, Ariane 66
Brünnhilde 32
Buddha / Siddharta Gautama 207
Buraq 78
Bush, George W. 184, 185
Calais 49, 53, 54
Camus, Albert 38, 106, 107, 219
Capra, Fritjof 219
Cardano, Gerolamo 85
Carlin, George 219
Carr, Jimmy 219
Carter, Brandon 209
Casaldàliga, Pere 145
Cerletti, Ugo 144
Cervantes, Miguel de 28
Céspedes, Francisco 34
Chávez, Hugo 113
Chavo, el 113
Chiosso, Leo 206
Chomsky, Noam 119, 120
Chopra, Deepak 219
Ciopolotonne, Sadencioc 201
Claudius, King 28
Cleobulus of Lindus 33
Clooney, George 199
Cocteau, Jean 143
Columbus, Christopher 18
Confucius 182
Constantine VIII 17
Copernicus, Nicolaus 151
Corelli, Arcangelo 16
Cortázar, Julio 74, 143, 146, 208
Coverdale, Miles 56
Cronus 81
Croscour, brothers 29
Crowe, Russell 141
Cruyff, Johan 157
Curie, Marie 209
Curie, Pierre 209
Dalí, Salvador 176
Damocles 129
Danto, Arthur C. 88
Daring Goddess 203
Darwin, Charles 164
David 56, 59, 75, 161, 174
Davison, Emily Wilding 206
Dawkins, Richard 219
Del Re, Giancarlo 206
Deleuze, Gilles 76, 123
Demon, the 71, 199, 202
Dennett, Daniel 219
Derrida, Jacques 103
Des Prés, Josquin 103
Descartes, René 107
Devil, the 37, 58
Diagoras of Melos 52
Dicke, Robert 209
Don Quixote 28, 29, 38
Dostoevsky, Fyodor 96
Dracula 82
Drayton, Michael 189
Drusilla, Livia 32
Du Pré, Jacqueline 138, 139
Dylan, Bob 123
Eduard VIII / Duke of Windsor 41
Eibl-Eibesfeldt, Irenäus 173
Einstein, Albert 93-103, 163, 178, 187, 188
Eisenstein, Sergei 208
Elgar, Edward 54, 58
Epicurus 58, 194
Escalote, Gurméniz 189
Espartero, Baldomero 177
Eve 75
Faithfull, Marianne 196
Faust 119
Fermat, Pierre de 85
Feuerbach, Ludwig 52
Feyerabend, Paul 219
Feynman, Richard 94, 136, 144
Forbes Nash, John 141
Ford, Henry 179
Foucault, Michel 35, 38, 53, 76, 106, 150
Fox, Michael J. 135
Francis / Jorge Bergoglio 152, 221
Frankenstein 42
Freud, Sigmund 40, 53, 76, 143, 195
Gaeffeldgaar the Kind 16, 17, 20, 55, 60
Galilei, Galileo 151, 152
Gambini, Rodolfo 191
Gantry, Elmer 25
García Lorca, Federico 69
García, Charly 133, 135
Gardel, Carlos 117, 132
Gertrude 28
Gervais, Ricky 219
God the Father 16, 20, 22...
Goldman, Emma 121
Gómez Bolaños, Roberto 113
González, Felipe 123
Goya, Francisco 109
Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm 123
Grullo, Pedro 102
Guevara, Ernesto / El Che 206, 207
Hamlet 53, 83, 84, 94, 136, 214
Hammadi, Nag 88
Händel, Georg Friedrich 39
Hardt, Michael 174
Harris, Sam 219
Hartle, James 164
Hawking, Stephen 138, 139, 164, 199
Haydn, Franz Joseph 39
Hegel, Georg 53, 177
Heidegger, Martin 35, 38, 40, 53, 104, 117, 164
Heisenberg, Werner 93, 103, 188
Hera 59
Heracles / Hercules 54
Hermione 32
Herodotus of Halicarnassus 104
Hessel, Stéphane 122
Hitchens, Christopher 219
Hitler, Adolf 151
Hobbes, Thomas 173
Holy Spirit 50, 57, 76...
Hopper, Edward 41
Horkheimer, Max 76
Huxley, Aldous 176
Ikhalla, Jupp 53, 98, 107, 152, 211
Isaiah 208
Isolde 39
Jamison, Kay 189
James, Henry 134
Jefferies, Jim 219
Jesus of Nazareth 15, 20, 22...
Jobin, Tom 46
Jobs, Steve 122
Jocasta 143
Jones, Indiana 19, 95
Joseph, father of Jesus 56, 59, 171, 180
John Paul II / Karol Wojtyła 151
Kafka, Franz 207
Kalashnikov, Mikhail 207
Kant, Immanuel 177, 182
Kaurismäki, Aki 206
Keynes, John Maynard 206-208
Kierkegaard, Søren 37, 38, 49-53, 104
Kinsey, Alfred C. 76
Knoop, Frederick 33
Kraken 120
Krishna 99
Kropotkin, Piotr 174
Kulisevsky, Jaime 61, 129
Kumar, Satish 219
Kundera, Milan 119
Lancaster, Burt 25
Lanthimos, Yorgos 26
Laplace, Pierre-Simon 85, 103
Le Pen, Jean-Marie 207
Le Pen, Marine 207
Le Pera, Alfredo 117
Lebón, David 133, 135
Leconte, Patrice 196
Leibniz, Gottfried 57, 104
Leopardi, Giacomo 182
Leviatán 173
Lévinas, Emmanuel 106
Littleton, John 21
Lleonart, Vica Amadeo 134
Llosa, Vargas 123
Loach, Ken 206
Lorentz, Hendrik 187, 188
Lourdes, Our Lady of 142, 143
Lucifer 197, 200
Lupe, la / Victoria Yolí Raymond 54
Luther, Martin 56
Lyotard, Jean-François 53
Mahler, Gustav 121
Mani 75
Maradona, Diego 221
Marcion of Sinope 100
Marcuse, Herbert 122
Mary, mother of Jesus 20, 55, 56...
Marlowe, Christopher 189
Marx, Karl 53, 119 178
McFly, Martin Seamus 135, 136, 140
McKellen, Andrew 55
Mephisto 119
Messalina, Valeria 207
Messi, Lionel 221
Meursault 106, 107
Michelin, Bibendum 139
Michelson, Albert 187
Midas 134
Minchin, Tim 219
Möbius, August 36
Mohs, Friedrich 33, 34
Moore, Demi 149
Morley, Edward 187
Morricone, Ennio 132
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 39
Muhammad 78
Nandi 59
Nathan 56
Negra, Mamba 199
Negri, Antonio 174
Neoptolemus 32
Nerthus 125
Nestorius 100
Newton, Isaac 93, 97, 102, 162
Nietzsche, Friedrich 76, 164
Nimrod 54, 58
Nobel, Alfred 76, 93, 94...
Obama, Barack 123
Ockham, William of 94
Odysseus or Ulysses 19, 76
Oedipus 76, 143
Ophelia 28
Orestes 32
Ortega, Amancio 122
Orthrus 54
Orwell, George 177
Ovid / Publius Ovidius Naso 49, 53
Paul VI / Giovanni Montini 55
Paez, Fito 179
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da 39
Pankhurst, Emmeline 206
Parera, Pere 35, 46, 48, 149, 173, 221
Parker, Jane 117
Parmenides of Elea 53, 133.
Parsons, Lucy 121
Pascal, Blaise 85
Pasolini, Pier Paolo 13, 122
Pavlov, Ivan 32
Paz, Octavio 119
Pearson, Kart 85
Peret / Pedro Pubill Calaf 120
Pérez Esquivel, Adolfo 177, 207
Pérez Prado, Dámaso 179
Perrault, Charles 123
Pettorossi, Horacio 117
Picasso, Pablo 123, 158
Pythagoras 151
Planck, Max 93
Plato 103
Polonius 28
Popper, Karl 81
Presley, Elvis 48
Pullin, Jorge 191
Punset, Eduard 175
Röckel, Elisabeth 155
Rodríguez de la Fuente, Félix 77
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 204
Rubik, Erno 191
Russell, Bertrand 219
Sabato, Ernesto 47, 210
Sacher, Franz 77
Salomon 56, 75
Sandrial 201
Sangunet 201
Santa Claus 219
Santillana, Marquis of 46
Sartre, Jean-Paul 37, 38, 51, 53, 58, 102
Satie, Erik 208
Saturn 81
Schlick, Moritz 49
Schönberg, Arnold 16
Schopenhauer, Arthur 40, 76, 208
Schrödinger, Erwin 94
Schubert, Franz 157
Senda, Cara Vara 208
Serrat, Joan Manuel 89-92, 119
Shakespeare, William 83, 136
Shelley, Mary 42
Shepherd, Steven 182
Shermer, Michael 219
Sigurdsson, Håkon 16
Simmons, Jean 25
Sisyphus 106, 107
Smith, Adam 206-208
Socrates 147
Spinetta, Luis Alberto 205
Spinoza, Baruch 75, 76, 210
Stoker, Bram 82
Storni, Alfonsina 195
Strauss, Johann, Josef y Eduard 42
Stravinsky, Igor 39
Superman 131
Swayze, Patrick 140
Taibo, Carlos 123
Tammuz 132
Tannhäuser 172
Tarantino, Quentin 199
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich 40
Theodora Porphyrogenita 17
Teresa of Calcutta 173
Thurman, Uma 199
Timaeus 129
Tinbergen, Nikolaas 173
Tolstoy, Leo 155
Thomas, disciple of Jesus 20, 30
Tornatore, Giuseppe 132
Trillizas de Oro, the 113
Tristan 39
Tukey, John W. 85
Tutu, Desmond 208
Tyndale, William 56
Unamuno, Miguel de 104
Vacek, Antonín 143
Vacek, Cyril 143-145
Van der Decken, Margaretha 186, 187
Van der Decken, Pieter 186, 187
Van der Decken, Teunis 186-193, 208, 209, 217
Varoufakis, Yanis 122
Verdi, Giuseppe 206
Veritas 81
Verne, Jules 49, 53
Vinci, Leonardo da 86, 204
Virtus 81
Voltaire / François-Marie Arouet 57
Vuitton, Louis 122
Wachowski, Lana 204
Wachowski, Lilly 204
Wagner, Richard 39, 172
Waters, Roger 152
Weinberg, Steven 219
Welles, Orson 53, 59
Wells, Herbert George 53
Wesley, Charles 25
Wesley, John 25
Whitefield, George 25
Wise, Kirk 58
Witten, Edward 191
Wright, Wilbur y Orville 49
Zander, Benjamin 39
Zemeckis, Robert 135
Zetes 49, 53, 54
Zuckerberg, Mark 122
Zukav, Gary 219